Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well, now I have all my homework to do. Me and my roomies and 2 of our good friends are having a party to do our homework. They gave me coffee. I dont drink coffee. These are my impressions:
Maybe if I add French Vanilla creamer it will taste better....OOOOh i can add chocolate milk.. this is too cold.....(after warming it up) wow this is perfect.....ew the aftertaste feels like acid ripping the enamel off my teeth.

maybe ill get used to it someday...

Procrastination. It's an addiction.

At this moment in time I have three assignments for Bib. Herm and an outline for a 5 minute speech that I should most definatly be working on. I am not doing that. Obviously. Currently, I am listening to Reggeaton and thinkin about mexico and maybe eating another piece of chocolate. I am quite homesick and not feeling like homework is what I want to do. Alas, I wish to graduate and get a degree so I must participate in these torturous activities. Evensong is tonight at 9. Horray! Evensong has an uncanny ability to cheer me up. I've needed that this week. Anyways Brit will be here in exactly 14 minutes according to her calculations so I should probably go get something done. Well, now that you feel like you have just wasted time reading this pointless blogpost with no morals or plot, I have one last statement. Don't smoke. Blow bubbles.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Clear the Roads

The following is a conversation between my writing prof and one of my classmates:
P: Are you texting?
S: Jeez, some people can text all hour, but the one time I text I get caught!
It's not like I'm not listening. I can text and drive at the same time; why can't I text in class.
I can tell you what you have been saying, I've been taking notes.
P: I don't even know what I've been saying.
Then why are we coming to class....

Class Time

So I've been at college over a month now and what have I learned. Well, aside from the fact that Rhetoric was taught by Homer and Dante, I have learned several valuable life lessons. For example: mute your computer when you come to class, same goes for cell phones, the cafeteria food is not as good once you aren't a perspective student anymore, and sleep is somewhat optional. I also learned that people love facebook and it's fun to comment on what the prof is saying in your status. Or you could just blog it :)